Released May 2015 on Scissor Tail Editions. Eight solo guitar pieces written and performed by Dibson T Hoffweiler, beautifully recorded at the Wally Sound in Oakland, CA.

Listen below - music player may be slow to load.

DTH Says:

After living on the east coast for 27 years I moved to Oakland, California. I had been songwriting for years, but with the move I focused on guitar as a solo instrument. I find the power of words undeniable, but without them I found myself more willing to explore my experiences of sorrow, contentment, joy, love and curiosity.

For me, these pieces are deeply rooted in experiences of relocating: making new friends and saying goodbye to them; reconnecting with old friends and losing them; recognizing the longstanding power of a familial connection; being in the presence of the natural beauty of my new home.
